“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation Feasts of Tabernacles Service Wellington FL

Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

L'Chaim Worshippers

L'Chaim Worship Team

L'Chaim Sisterhood Bible Study

Join us for our weekly BIBLE STUDY!

Come be a part of L’Chaim Messianic Congregation located in Wellington in the beautiful Palm Beaches of Southeast Florida

L'Chaim Dance Troupe


Our new location is:


Join us for awesome SHABBAT SERVICES
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

ONEG SHABBAT (Fellowship Meal)
1:00–2:00 p.m.
PLEASE  bring your dishes labeled with
your name and ready to serve!
We also appreciate any help with cleaning up. Thank you.

Bible Study to Follow Oneg

All SHABBAT SERVICES broadcast on
FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 a.m.

Shabbat School for Children (thru age 13)
Meets Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.

Dear L’Chaim Mishpacha: We appreciate your continued faithfulness and support! Feel free to give your tithes and offerings via PayPal by clicking on the DONATE button. To mail a check, the mailing address is below. Thank you for your continued support. May God bless you abundantly.
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman


L’Chaim Messianic Congregation · PO Box 243025 · Boynton Beach, Fl 33424 

Watch L’Chaim’s recorded sermons. Click Here

Let’s hear from the L’Chaim congregants!

“I love L’Chaim! Friend & family oriented! Loving environment!
—Chanah G.

—Mari A.

They are FAMILY!
—Willow R.

“My wife Rosa and I are amazed at God’s love at this Messianic temple. We are very grateful that God has allowed us to be part of them now as a congregation. We feel very blessed.
—Elvis R.

“I love L’Chaim Messianic Congregation!! I love the praise and worship, the liturgy, the dance ministry, the wonderful comraderie and fellowship with the mishpacha! I have been attending L’Chaim for 6 years. Bruce and Suzi Elman are great Messianic leaders and very caring of their flock. This is my spiritual home, and I am proud to be a part of L’Chaim.”
—Michele R.

“Beautiful family of believers. Warm and friendly. Lots of love. Powerful sermons. Excellent Shabbat School, Sisterhood and Bible study on Shabbat after Oneg.” —Barbara C.

“A very warm and friendly atmosphere. Beautiful worship. Powerful message by Rabbi Elman. Enjoyed the peaceful, welcoming atmosphere. I felt at home immediately.” —Dr. Pamela T.

“I been attending at this congregation for more then a Year. And it’s been a blessing to my life! Rabbi Bruce and his wife, Suzie Elman, what a wonderful people, great leaders. Real, relevant and relational experience; that’s what you’ll find here!” —Ezra C.

“A wonderful experience! Excellent Biblical messages! Enjoyable praise and worship! Warm and friendly congregation! I feel loved at L’Chaim!!!” —Mara F.

“A wonderfull congregation to learn and grow in the footsteps of YESHUA (JESUS). Come and join us to learn and grow in the Hebraic roots that YESHUA walked in. Join us every Saturday (Shabbat) at 11:00 AM.” —Carlos G.

“I love all of you!!!” —Andrea A.

“Warm and friendly place! Great worship time.” —Judy S.

“I love L’Chaim.” —Philip D.

L’Chaim Passover Seder 2024

L’Chaim’s Purim Celebration 3.24.24 (short video clips)! See pics in the Gallery (click here)!

Bible Study

After the 11:00 AM SHABBAT SERVICE, we also welcome you to join us for BIBLE STUDY following LUNCH in the fellowship hall at 2:00pm.


Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday 6:10 PM-7:00 PM

Please call L’Chaim’s Teleconference # to join in: 978-990-5297. CODE: 5843374. Please join us to pray for the needs of the congregation, our country, our families and for healing and restoration!


For SISTERHOOD schedule details, text Suzi at 561.703.8687

Men's Group

For MEN’S GROUP updates and info, please call Pastor Bruce at 561.350.6964


Words of Encouragement

Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Wisdom—Our Friend

Wisdom will always lead you to GOD’S best! Wisdom teaches that you will not keep friends if they try to control and dominate your life!  Wisdom will guide you in your money matters.  Using wisdom keeps you out of debt. Wisdom will not let you get over extended in your...

Final Victory

Today’s Scripture is from Paul’s letter to Timothy. Paul is encouraging Timothy to face difficulty as a good soldier. Telling him that implies that he is in a battle! This battle started a long time ago, even before Adam and Eve’s fall in the Garden of Eden.  It...

Rewards of Waiting

In GOD’S Kingdom, waiting on the LORD is always rewarding. We will receive supernatural energy and strength we need for godly living if we wait on GOD’S timetable with our issues. When we are overburdened with our responsibilities, we could be tempted to get out of...

Lighting Our Path

As believers, we are to trust the Bible’s accuracy! It is meant to have a positive influence on our conversation, conduct and character!  When on the earth, YESHUA affirmed the validity of the Old Testament by using it!  After His resurrection, He explained what Moses...

A Matter of Trust

 Do you find yourself asking GOD what He is doing in your life and in your walk with Him, not understanding? Well, if we always understood we would have no need for trust!  You may find yourself asking questions like, “What does my future hold, or will I ever see my...

Choose Life

Our GOD is a GOD who is always on the move! The possibilities are unlimited for each of us for what our heavenly FATHER wants to do in our lives! It doesn’t matter how young, old, rich or poor, we might be! It doesn’t make any difference if we are educated or...

Youthful Attitude

As believers in MESSIAH YESHUA, we need to always maintain a youthful attitude, no matter how old we may be! Our usefulness to the Kingdom of GOD never ends, no matter our age.  Laughter is always a good thing in life. Some of us have been hurt deeply and have...

Borrowing Trouble

GOD gives us just enough grace for one day at a time! To avoid fatigue, weariness, and burnout in our minds, we must learn to live one day at a time! YESHUA teaches us in today’s Scripture to meet each day’s challenges as they come and that we are not to be borrowing...

Faith: A Gift From God

Hebrews Chapter 11, known as "the faith chapter," is truly amazing to read when you're really, really digesting it. It caused me to marvel at faith—the faith of all those mentioned as well as just in general. Faith is such an integral—one could say most...

Believe the Impossible

In the natural world, many things are impossible, but in the supernatural realm with GOD, there is nothing impossible! GOD wants us to believe for great things—make big plans—then expect Him to do things so great that you will be left with your mouth hanging open in...

Win-Win Combination

GOD invites us (His children) to pray because He delights in providing for us and He stands ready to do so. But He wants us to come in faith and ask Him to accomplish His divine plan in our circumstances! Not knowing GOD’S will for our circumstances can hinder the...

Expecting God’s Goodness

Are you hopeful today? There are many Scriptures that speak of hope, but one of the greatest ones is our verse today. Meditate on our verse, Isaiah 30:18, and see how it will begin to bring you great hope! GOD is saying here that He is actively looking for someone to...

Life of Freedom

GOD’S goal is for us to grow up in Him. He doesn’t want us to stay baby Believers! He wants us to become mature overcomers. Being an overcomer means learning how to walk after the Spirit, not after our flesh!  As long as we’re letting our flesh rule us, we’re not...

Sweet Praise

GOD inhabits the praises of His people! That means He is comfortable in the midst of our sweet praises, but He is not comfortable in the midst of a sour attitude!  Today, let’s take a moment to take inventory of our inner life because it is the dwelling place of GOD...

Nourishing Our Spirit

Following after our flesh is a dangerous and deadly way to live. But on the other hand, following and sowing to our spirit makes life’s journey an enjoyable one! This doesn’t mean we will never have problems and trials or that all the pressures of everyday living will...

Matthew 11:28 The Passion Translation

Matthew 11:28 The Passion Translation   “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” The Lord says: Lift your attention to My love. Fasten yourself to eternity and remain there. Don’t lower your gaze to your...

Never Give Up

We will always have disappointments in this life, but as believers, we need not remain disheartened by our frustration and setbacks! It’s possible—in YESHUA—to experience joy and peace even when our expectations aren’t met.  When we feel let down, ask FATHER GOD to...

Comforting Word

Psalm 23 is where we find today’s Scripture that is so comforting! As busy as our schedules are in this hectic world we live in, let’s take time out to reflect on GOD’S comforting word! GOD causes us to lay down and rest, He refreshes and restores our mind, will, and...


Our ABBA FATHER desires to be involved in every aspect of our lives. He gives clear direction in His Word so that we can understand what His will is for every circumstance we encounter! By walking in the center of GOD’S will, we accomplish that which we were created...

A Passionate Heart

We need to discover how to be passionate about the things GOD is passionate about. The Word of GOD teaches us over and over again that we are to help hurting people. Our ABBA FATHER is passionate about helping the widows, the fatherless, the poor, the needy, the...

Misplaced Priorities

There is always a penalty for misplaced priorities (Luke12:6-21)! That Scripture reference is about a foolish man who passed away with no opportunity to enjoy his goods, and even worse, he died with a bankrupt soul (missed out on Heaven)! We as believers must make...

A True Follower

When YESHUA walked this earth, a vast multitude followed Him. They came for many reasons, some noble, some selfish. The same is still true today. Not all that seek GOD are really His followers! Let’s take a look at our own walk and ask ourselves, “What do we want from...

Gift of Grace

Many people simply can’t believe that the LORD loves them! Others believe that He loves them but only when they are pleasing Him in some way  Why is it so hard for us to accept GOD’S unconditional love? Maybe because we ourselves have a hard time loving others without...

Putting on Love

PUTTING ON LOVE”  What does love look like? For this, we have to look at GOD! 1 John 4:8 says GOD is love. He knows nothing else. We see through Scripture the love YESHUA had for all people. How He handled Himself when they came up against Him & how He behaved...

Being Still

Temptations, trials and suffering—we’ve all experienced them! Even as Messiah followers (sometimes especially because we’re believers), we must endure pain whether through loss, bankruptcy, unemployment or broken relationships! While no one is immune to hard times,...

L’Chaim means “to LIFE!” and we pray that you find LIFE in Yeshua,

the Messiah, the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE!

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation is a congregation of Jews and non-Jews who believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel.

We exist to reach the local, pre‑believing Jewish people with the fact that Scripture is God’s inspired and true Word, that Yeshua is the Risen Messiah of Israel, and that an abiding faith in Him is His only provision for eternal life in Heaven with the Lord.

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation has been faithfully serving the Florida cities of Wellington, Loxahatchee, Royal Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Lantana,  and the greater Southeast Florida, Palm Beach County community since 2003.

During the Shabbat Service, we include appropriate elements from traditional Jewish Services, including liturgical prayers and reading from the Hebrew Scriptures (Torah), with Messianic praise, worship, and dance as we are led by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.

Our congregation leader, Pastor Bruce Elman, then shares an encouraging message from the Word of God and explains how it applies to our lives. Following the main service, we gather for the Oneg Shabbat lunch, fellowship, Bible study and Hebrew classes.

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation Lake Worth Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

A Timely Message
from Pastor Bruce & Suzi


We love you and greatly appreciate
your love and support of L’Chaim!

—Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman xoxo

For making your donations to L’Chaim Messianic Congregation using PayPal, please click on the DONATE button below.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.
Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.”
Psalm 122:6-7 NKJV

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
 you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and 
Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NKJV

And behold, I am coming quickly,
 My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Revelation 22:12-13 NKJV

Ministry Resources for Healing & Recovery



Our new location:
Oasis Church of the C&MA
16401 Southern Blvd.
Wellington, FL 33470

Phone: 561.350.6964

Email: lchaim1225@gmail.com

Mailing Address:
L'Chaim Messianic Congregation
PO Box 243025
Boynton Beach, FL 33424