Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
I would like to share a thought – ESPECIALLY with regards to the times we are presently living in:
When people apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives, they change. They are transformed into Godly people. It’s amazing to behold! And the secret of the power of scripture is that fact, that it tells us how to come to know God personally, how to have Him actually walk through life with us just as He did with the first human beings on this planet earth.
In fact, scripture has the power required to take a life that has been lived all wrong and turn it around. This Bible contains the power to help anyone start over; it has the power to enable a person to be re-born. You know, if I had to summarize my belief about the nature of this Book of books, I would say it is basically an invitation from God to us, an invitation from Creator to Creation. In these pages is God’s written offer to know Him personally, to walk with Him daily. And, like all invitations, God’s word calls for our response!
We praise the LORD Yeshua for you, our faithful Prayer and Ministry Partner(s), as we always seek to serve Him with His direction, strength and wisdom. May the LORD bless and use you, too, in every way, every day. Yes, in Yeshua’s Name. Amen.
With thanks and love,
Bruce and Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation