The Bible refers to many different names of YESHUA, all of which provide strong insight into His character! In the gospel of John, we can find many such names for our “Savior & Lord”! In the Book of John, Chapter 10, YESHUA is called the Good Shepherd who protects His sheep (believers) at all cost, and His sheep know His voice and they follow Him.
YESHUA is the door, the only way into Heaven! Whoever enters through the “gate” of MESSIAH will be saved!
Next, YESHUA is the “vine,” our source of our spiritual life. We bear fruit when we are connected to YESHUA; if not, we wither!
YESHUA is the way to happiness, SHALOM , joy, and eternal life with our heavenly FATHER!
Last, He is the “life,” imparting to believers powerful, effective, and fruitful lives, not only here but also throughout eternity!
John 14:6
YESHUA said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
The scriptural names given to YESHUA tells a great deal about His character and Him being the second person of the Triune God in His full divinity and humanity! They all reveal who He was, is, and will be for ALL eternity!
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation