We pray that each and everyone of you had a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones and that praises went up to the Throne Room giving GOD the honor that is due Him! Our Creator, “maker of heaven and earth,” made us in His image with the main purpose of glorifying Himself!
When YESHUA instructed the disciples how to pray (Matthew 6:9), He began His prayer with adoration! We do need to spend more time praising the LORD than just going to Him with our requests.
The Word of God warns us to always remember GOD’S benefits so we will humbly go before Him and give Him the honor and glory for who He is, “The Great I Am”!
Praise appropriately humbles us; as it is a reminder of GOD’S greatness and our dependence upon Him! And at the same time, exalting Him strengthens our sense of assurance, therefore increasing our faith!
As we focus at the cross, we find new strength!
Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Take a moment to think about the LORD’S attributes, goodness, and His work in your life.
What can you praise Him for today?
For a follower of YESHUA, everyday should be a day of thanksgiving!
All our love,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, Florida