When YESHUA walked this earth, a vast multitude followed Him. They came for many reasons, some noble, some selfish. The same is still true today. Not all that seek GOD are really His followers!
Let’s take a look at our own walk and ask ourselves, “What do we want from Him?” How committed are we to being His disciples?
In the Bible, some followed YESHUA because they had urgent needs that He alone could meet. Some wanted to see signs and miracles and feel that thrill of excitement.
Today, some go to their congregation only to get pumped up.
However, mountaintop experiences are usually followed by valleys! Then when hardships come, they are quick to abandon the LORD!
John 6:2
A huge crowd kept following Him wherever He went, because they saw His miraculous signs as He healed the sick.
Are you more interested in what YESHUA can do for you than in just being with Him?
Do you find it hard to stay committed without an emotional experience to sustain you?
Our physical and emotional needs can draw us to the LORD, but they should never be the foundation for our walk with Him!
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation