Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

A lot of negative emotions accompany hardship, such as frustration, despair, fear and doubt! When we let these feelings rule us, then we will make poor choices.
In our darkest hour, when troubled times come against us, we need to worship and praise our almighty GOD more than ever. This has been a time such as this, as our world as we know it is spinning out of control! Daily, our praise and worship can fill our hearts with joy and our mind with peace in the midst of it all!
When we are worshiping the LORD, our vision is enlarged; we begin to see how He is at work in our lives, perhaps in ways we never noticed before. We will see what He is doing in our current situation and where He is requiring obedience!
Deuteronomy. 20:4
For the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies to save you.
It’s hard to be in despair while honoring the LORD for His love and strength!!
We can get rid of doubt by recalling GOD’S past faithfulness!
Praise is not the obvious reaction to hardship, but it is the wisest response! PTL!
With lots of prayers & love,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
2116 Lantana Road, Lake Worth, FL 33462