Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Discouragement can cloud our thinking and give us a divided mind (some of the external causes). Today, let’s look at some spiritual causes which can take us by surprise!
Satan, being the primary instigator wants us to lose heart, think poorly of ourselves and focus only on the negative!
Then next is unanswered prayers; when a prayer is answered “no or not yet”, we can begin to lose hope!
Some get so disappointed they give up praying altogether; while failing to understand GOD’S sovereignty and that His timing is not always our timing! Cutting off communication with the LORD is a sure way into even deeper discouragement!
Psalm 40:1-2
I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of the horrible pit, out of miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps.
Let’s not be taken by surprise by our enemy and lose heart! Never let Satan get a stronghold on us; knowing ABBA hears our cries and His love for us is based on His own grace, not our deeds!
Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation