A committed and consistent prayer life is essential for every believer who wants to grow in his relationship with YESHUA! Are you struggling in this area? Let’s take a look at some hindrances!
Some find it easy to pray when there is an urgent need, but once the urgency has passed, they drift back into not spending time with the LORD!
Then there is the time factor. Some think they are too busy to fit prayer into their schedule. Some may even think, “Why pray? GOD never seems to answer anyhow.” And they think it’s a waste of time!
But the Word tells us just the opposite as we read in our Scripture today.
James 5:16B
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
GOD didn’t design prayer as simply an avenue for requests. Spending time in conversation with our heavenly FATHER is meant to help us know Him and love Him! Then as we grow in passion for Him, spending that time we set apart each day will become a delight, and life will turn into an adventure of faith!
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation