Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

As GOD’S adopted children, we have been given a new purpose – glorifying Him through righteous living. This means changing our plans to adjust to His will and purpose for our lives.
One very important change is with our belief system; as BELIEVERS our thinking should match YESHUA’S way of thinking!
The influence of the world we live in is strong! The world tells us to push ahead of others, take all the credit for our accomplishments and keep material possessions for our own use.
But, the Word tells us the last shall be first (Mark 9:35). GOD is the One who desires our praise (Psalm 96:4) and we are to be generous people. In all our desires and what others may want us to do, the LORD should always take precedence!
{Matthew 16:24… Then YESHUA said to His
Let’s take inventory, making sure our heavenly FATHER is taking first place in all we do. He wants and desires our full devotion!
Love & Blessings,
Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation