We will always have disappointments in this life, but as believers, we need not remain disheartened by our frustration and setbacks! It’s possible—in YESHUA—to experience joy and peace even when our expectations aren’t met.
When we feel let down, ask FATHER GOD to reveal anything within us that may be part of the problem, for example, an unforgiving spirit. Then confess to Him that we are allowing our emotions to grip us; He knows anyhow! Take the focus off ourselves, and give it all to Him.
Then, get into the Word and take notice how people in the Bible handled disappointments!
Then, as we bring to mind His faithfulness in past situations, let’s cry out in thanksgiving and praise!
Psalm 42:5
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me?
We may hurt for a season, but we should never give up! As MESSIAH FOLLOWERS, we can take refuge in our all-powerful and all-wise loving FATHER. Recall His faithfulness in your times of letdowns, and be assured that this one will be added to your collection!
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation