One of the easiest ways to show love to others is to help them feel valuable. Most Messiah followers don’t have a sense of their value as a child of the most high GOD!
The thought that GOD loves them and sees them as precious never entered their minds. The devil himself works overtime making us feel devalued and worthless! But we can neutralize his lies by building others up and encouraging them.
One way to do this is with a sincere compliment! It doesn’t take much of our time and doesn’t cost us a dime! For instance: “You have a beautiful smile,” or “I’m so glad you are my friend!”
We need to learn to be an aggressive encourager. Find ways to encourage those around you, and do it on purpose!
It can mean so much to a person, even better than anything money can buy!
Romans 14:19
So let us then definitely aim for and eagerly pursue what makes for harmony for mutual upbuilding (edification and development) of one another.
Be the one today to lift someone’s spirit in your corner of the world.
Let the love of YESHUA shine through you!
With lots of prayers & love,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
2116 Lantana Road, Lake Worth, FL 33462