Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Hello, dear one(s), from Pastor Bruce & Suzi! 🤗🙏
The last few days we have seen the wonders of heaven in our devotionals (spending eternity with our heavenly FATHER)! Accepting YESHUA as your Savior is our blessed assurance we will make it into heaven! That’s justification!!!👍YESHUA said He is THE ONLY way to the FATHER!
But salvation through MESSIAH is about more than getting into heaven; it’s also about the process of becoming MESSIAH-like while living here on this earth. That’s sanctification.
In fact, on Judgement Day, we all will be asked to give an account for the ways we used our opportunities, abilities and resources! GOD gives us, His children, different types and amounts of His blessings: gifts, strengths, wealth, etc. What matters to GOD, is the way we make use of them.
Are you selfish with them, using them for your own good? Or are you generously using those gifts to serve MESSIAH YESHUA and further His kingdom?!? We will all be held accountable and will be rewarded for the ways we invested our lives while here on earth!
Oh, heaven will still be our GLORIOUS home! That issue was settled when we came to faith in YESHUA as our LORD & Savior!
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all stand before MESSIAH to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.
This is a very good time to think about all of your blessings and how you are utilizing them for GOD’S praise and glory! It’s our responsibility to be faithful servants in whatever He calls us to do. Yes!,
In Yeshua’s Name. Amen.
With lots of prayers, love & hugs,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi!
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation