Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

What motivates us to express gratitude to ABBA THE FATHER? We often remember to thank Him when something positive happens in our life, but our verse of the day tells us to give thanks in all things, which would include difficult times as well as happier circumstances. That may seem illogical to some of us, but it is not!
Even though life may be difficult, our hope and joy remain because we serve the eternal omniscient, omnipotent GOD of love! We need to remember that our gratitude magnifies the LORD. He is pleased when we obediently thank Him, even in very difficult times, such as what we have to endure now in this upside down world.
Our thankfulness also reinforces our faith! Recalling His faithfulness in the past equips us to face our future!
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in MESSIAH YESHUA for you.
It’s easy to be grateful when we receive something we have desired for a long time. But, GOD wants us to express thanksgiving in everything! Meditate on His goodness, love and care, faithfulness, sovereignty and pure promises, always offering Him thanks in all!
Yes! “PTL!”
In Yeshua’s Name. Amen.
With lots of prayers, love & hugs,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation