Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Human love pales in comparison to YESHUA’S divine love, which He demonstrated by dying on the cross to pay our penalty for sin! YESHUA lived a perfect live—one which was sinless & fully pleasing to GOD. He had no unrighteousness for which He owned payment. But we do! Until the Savior of the world, our destiny was fixed; we were headed for eternal separation from GOD!
YESHUA cared so much that He willingly set aside His divinity & became man to live among us (while our hearts were far from GOD). He even came to die on behalf of a world that rejected Him. On Calvary’s hill, GOD’S wrath was poured out on MESSIAH for the sins of all people. He died so that you & I might enter GOD’S family & live in paradise forever & ever with Him!
{Romans 3:23…for all have sinned & fall short of the glory of GOD… }
Because of YESHUA’S sacrifice, our status has been changed from outsider to Children of GOD, from enemy to beloved & from stranger to friend! Who could care more deeply; YESHUA is truly our loving friend! Have you asked Him into your heart to be your Lord and Savior!
Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation