Unshakable Faith

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Daniel had unshakable faith. His belief in the LORD substained him when he was uprooted from his home, taken into captivity and sent to a foreign country. His faith gave him strength as he served under four different kings and faced many challenges (Daniel 1:1-20) Check it out! 

Knowing GOD and trusting Him are the two key elements of deep faith.

Daniel, while in captivity, wanted to obey the Scriptures that he had hidden in his heart. So, when he was asked to eat food that was sacrificed to idols, he took a great risk by requesting other food.  GOD then caused the officials to show him favor. 

Like Daniel, we are to spend our lives learning and carrying out what pleases our heavenly FATHER and not the world!

Colossians 1:10
“…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

Barriers to unshakable faith include pride, self-concerns, arrogance and self-sufficiency!

Are any of these keeping you from becoming a person of strong faith?  If so, then confess it and then turn toward the LORD! 


With lots of prayers & love, Shalom!

Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

2116 Lantana Road, Lake Worth, FL 33462

Seated in Heavenly Places

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

The apostle Paul said that we are seated in heavenly places with Messiah YESHUA as a child of GOD! So what does that mean? What do we do when we sit? We rest, right! So to be seated in heavenly places with YESHUA is to enter an inner rest!

When we get nervous or upset about our problems and worry overtakes us, we need to tell ourselves “to sit down!” And we’re not just talking about our physical body but also our soul (mind, will and emotions)! To me it’s very interesting, how we now have no choice but to sit and rest In this season of being homebound during the Coronavirus pandemic.

It’s important to let our entire being rest and just wait on GOD. We need to wait expectantly for GOD to do what we cannot do! Give Him the steering wheel!

Ephesians 2:4-6

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loves us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with MESSIAH and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in MESSIAH YESHUA.

The promises of GOD’S peace are not made to those who work, struggle or strive in their own strength but to those who enter GOD’S rest waiting on Him!

Let’s thank God for this time of REST! It’s necessary and long overdue!

All our love,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth & Lantana Florida Area

Internal Moral Compass

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

When facing hard decisions, do you pay attention to your conscience? Is it wise to trust this inner voice?
GOD gave every one of us “internal moral compass!” Our conscience is a divine alarm system that warns us of oncoming danger. Its primary purpose is godly protection and guidance. But because of sin, we can be led astray. That’s why it’s important to understand the difference between following your heart and allowing a clear conscience to help with decisions.

If you have allowed GOD’S Word to permeate and transform your thinking instead of the world’s way of thinking, then that inner voice is likely trustworthy!

Rom. 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

What has been the greatest impact on your belief system?  Truth of Scripture or the world’s standard of right and wrong?

Our ABBA FATHER knows what is best for us! He gave us a conscience to aid us in making wise decisions in life. Praise His mighty Name!


Bruce & Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


Purpose and Perseverance

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

What causes some people to fail and others to achieve their goals? Society tells us the definition of successful achievement in life is fame, fortune or power! But GOD’S Word tells us something different.

In GOD’S eyes, true success means becoming what He wants us to be and reaching the goals He has set for our lives (Heb. 12:1). 

We should seek encouragement from the lives of other believers who have seen MESSIAH’S faithfulness and followed His direction. We need to get rid of anything that holds us back from obeying GOD. And we need to persevere through difficult and discouraging times, always relying on YESHUA for guidance and strength so we can succeed in GOD’S plan for our lives.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

FATHER GOD has a wonderful plan for blessing and fulfillment in your life and part of His plan is that you live with purpose and perseverance! Stay in the Word, pray for direction and if necessary seek godly counsel!

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


Our Enemy’s Plan

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

How does our enemy operate? I believe he has many objections when it comes to interrupting GOD’S work in our lives!  One of them is how Satan wants us to doubt GOD’S Word! If he can get someone doubting just a little bit, then he has secured a foothold in that person’s life. 

This is what happened in the Garden of Eden, when he planted that seed of doubt in Eve’s mind. Look at the results that affected all mankind (Gen. 3:1). 

He will do anything to keep us from making an impact for MESSIAH in this dark fallen world ! 

Then he wants to destroy us physically (sickness, addictions and stress)! He wants us to focus on our bodies so we don’t have time to focus on spiritual things and working for the Kingdom of GOD!

Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Satan is always looking for ways to destroy you. Don’t let him! 

Keep your spiritual eyes open. And always depend on GOD’S Spirit to guide you.


Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)