A Real Enemy

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

If we want to be victorious in our  walk with the Lord, then we must never forget who our adversary is! Scripture is very clear that our enemy isn’t a single little demon but rather a whole confederacy of evil spirits!                                    

How many times in the gospels did YESHUA cast out demons? Over and over again, we read about Him and His disciples speaking with authority over multiple evil spirits. 

Why, then, can we read such accounts and praise GOD for His demonstrations of power yet forget that those demonic forces are still active in our world today? 

You may say, “Well, I can believe only in what I can see.” If that’s true, then you are in serious trouble because there is a real enemy roaming about (satan)!

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.                 

 Do you take your spiritual enemy seriously? Never forget our enemy is roaming around looking for someone to devour; always be on the lookout!

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


Spiritually Blind

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

The LORD will use a believer’s personal testimony in powerful ways! As we speak about how GOD has rescued and changed us, the Holy Spirit sparks people’s interest in spiritual things and then uses what we say to help them seek YESHUA  as their Savior and Lord!

In John 9:1-7, we learn about a blind man who YESHUA healed. Many people questioned him about how he received his sight. And to each one, he told the facts as he had experienced them. Here’s what he said.           

John 9:10-11

They asked, “Who healed you? What happened?” He told them, “The man they call YESHUA made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself.’” So I went and washed, and now I can see.

When we obey YESHUA’S commands, people around us will notice that there is something different about us. They will be curious to know why we may have calmness about us we never had before or why we gave up some popular activities or avoid certain places. Just like the blind man did; he received his sight, and before we received YESHUA as our Savior, we too were spiritually blind, but now we can see!


Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


A Quiet Spirit

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

When conflict arises, we oftentimes want to rush in and defend our position. Perhaps we even feel justified in blaming others.

James 1:19 gives different advice for dealing with tension and disputes. James tells us to “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.” In other words more can be accomplished through a calm approach and a quiet spirit to any situation.

Always pray first, and ask the LORD to give you the right words to say. And ask for discernment concerning the root issue to whether or not it might be our fault for the dispute?

If you have done something wrong, then you should apologize and ask for forgiveness! YESHUA died to pardon us of all our sins, so we in turn should forgive others as we are forgiven!

Proverbs 26:4
Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.

How do you respond to conflict? 

Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you strength to stay calm and do what is right, even during difficult, emotional situations! 

The Holy Spirit will never lead you in a wrong direction!

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


An Unforgiving Spirit

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Conflict is a part of life. It could come from misunderstandings, difference of opinion or deep convictions! It usually stems from envy, pride or even hunger for power. Even though we are not responsible for the other person involved, we are held accountable for how we handle it! 

Sadly, many people have an unhealthy response to disagreement! Unless we respond correctly to conflict, we limit our potential to grow in our  faith walk. We can develop an unforgiving spirit, which will lead to bitterness and resentment. Then relationships can be destroyed completely. 

We need to handle our conflicts in a positive way. YESHUA was wrongly accused, unfairly judged and killed for something He didn’t do, yet look how He responded.

Let’s read our Scripture for today and see what He did say.

Luke 23:34A
Then YESHUA said, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.”

How do you deal with accusations and criticism? Forgiveness is the only response that will keep you from becoming a victim of bitterness!

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)


Always Rejoice!

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

When you wake in the morning, praising FATHER GOD for the gift of a new day, the sunrise, a new beginning should fill your heart with love overflowing for our ABBA FATHER! 

Our Scripture today tells us to be glad and always rejoice!

YESHUA came to give us life and to give it to us more abundantly! Let’s enjoy life to the fullest and walk in it and experience what YESHUA died to give us. 

Many people in our world today are goal-oriented, but we should not be so focused on tomorrow that we fail to appreciate, enjoy and make the most of this day, which is GOD’S  blessing to us. Our fast-paced, high-pressured society today urges us to accomplish as much as we can as quickly as we can—so we can accomplish even more! 

Yes, GOD does have purposes and plans He wants us to fulfill, but He also wants us to enjoy and make the most of the gift of now—today!

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Remember this day is our gift from our heavenly FATHER. It’s our blessing from Him! 

Lamentations 3:22–23
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Give Him all the praise and enjoy your day to the fullest!

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, FL (Lantana area)