
L'Chaim Messianic Congregation, Lake Worth Florida, Palm Beaches

After YESHUA told His disciples He was going away, He also promised that He would return and take them to a home He had prepared (John 14:2-3). These verses confirm that Heaven is a real place! According to the Bible, we believers have citizenship in Paradise (Philippians 3:20). Our treasure is stored there, and this will be our home for all eternity (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Heaven is a real place, not a celestial dream world! We will spend eternity serving and worshipping our almighty GOD. 

Despite misconceptions about reclining on clouds and playing harps, we won’t be sitting and doing nothing. And all the things that make life on earth so wearying, like temptation, trials, heartaches, and pain will be no more! 

YESHUA speaking:
John 14:3
When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.

Is your name in Heaven’s book of Reservations? (It’s referred to as the Lambs Book of Life.)

To register, you have to put your trust in YESHUA as your Savior and LORD over your life. Don’t wait another day for that most important decision of your lifetime!

Love & Blessings,

Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, Florida

Double Minded

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation, Lake Worth Florida, Palm Beaches

The Old Testament tells us idolatry is a serious issue. But in our modern world, not many give that much thought! 

The worship of idols may seem ancient, but the truth is that all of us will struggle with this heart issue! 

Modern idols can come in many different forms—a relationship, position or title, possessions, etc.!

When we depend on or give priority to anything besides the LORD, it becomes our GOD. 

Does something in your life have a higher value than the LORD? 

One accurate measure of priorities is the use of our time. Do you reserve a part of each day for GOD? On what or whom do you depend? Do you rely on GOD for strength and provision or on yourself or others?

Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve GOD and be enslaved to money.

We must make up our minds; double mindedness never works. 

If we believe our GOD is the only true GOD, then we must give Him our whole life and be faithful and serve Him and only Him!


Love & Blessings,

Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, Florida

Faith Factors

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation, Lake Worth Florida, Palm Beaches

The Apostle James challenges us to understand the connection between faith and obedience! He writes in James 2:17 that faith without works is dead. In other words, we cannot have unshakable faith without obedience! 

Developing steadfast trust takes time. Yes, we are born again through simple childlike faith, but a growing knowledge of GOD and a deepening confidence in Him keeps us convicted and strengthens our faith in times of testing (trials)! 

Hebrews Chapter 11 shows us that obedience is critical to steadfast faith! Noah, never seeing rain, obeyed GOD and built an ark! Abraham left his home to go to a place not yet known, obeying GOD by faith. 

Hebrews 11:6A
And it is impossible to please GOD without faith.

Knowing and trusting GOD through His Son, and experiencing His presence and living obediently, are the factors needed to develop an unshakable faith. How unshakable is yours?


Love & Blessings,

Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, Florida

Our Soon Coming King

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation, Lake Worth Florida, Palm Beaches

Today  I am going to ask you to turn to Revelation 19:11-16; there we see YESHUA exalted as the King of Kings! These verses tell us He will judge the wicked and set up His kingdom! We see YESHUA riding  His white horse in power and great glory, which is so different from His first arrival as a helpless infant! 

Our King YESHUA is not coming alone. The armies of Heaven (the bride of MASCHIACH, His body of believers) are following Him on white horses! If you are a believer, you will be part of that army. Revelation 5:10 promises us that we are going to rule and reign with Him. Yes, we will reign with MESSIAH one day soon, but till then, He will rule in our hearts! 

Only through submission and obedience to His authority will we be transformed into His image aqnd live a new life forever with Him in His new Kingdom!

Revelation 19:16
On his robe and on His thigh, He has a name written: King of all kings and Lord of all lords. (TLV)

Who is the King of your life? Are you letting MESSIAH direct your path? Only by living under the authority of YESHUA can we know the purpose and plan GOD has for us. May His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth and in your heart!


Love & Blessings,

Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, Florida

Created for Praise

L'Chaim Messianic Congregation, Lake Worth Florida, Palm Beaches

We pray that each and everyone of you had a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones and that praises went up to the Throne Room giving GOD the honor that is due Him! Our Creator, “maker of heaven and earth,” made us in His image with the main purpose of glorifying Himself! 

When YESHUA instructed the disciples how to pray (Matthew 6:9), He began His prayer with adoration! We do need to spend more time praising the LORD than just going to Him with our requests. 

The Word of God warns us to always remember GOD’S benefits so we will humbly go before Him and give Him the honor and glory for who He is, “The Great I Am”! 

Praise appropriately humbles us; as it is a reminder of GOD’S greatness and our dependence upon Him! And at the same time, exalting Him strengthens our sense of assurance, therefore increasing our faith! 

As we focus at the cross, we find new strength!

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Take a moment to think about the LORD’S attributes, goodness, and His work in your life. 

What can you praise Him for today? 

For a follower of YESHUA, everyday should be a day of thanksgiving!


All our love,
Pastor Bruce & Suzi

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Lake Worth, Florida