The Greatest Gift of All

Unless you open a gift, the value remains unknown. The same holds true of GOD’S gift of salvation through YESHUA! To receive His forgiveness but fail to discover the marvelous treasures that are available through being a child of GOD would be a shame!
The sin we inherited through Adam and Eve does not allow a relationship with the perfect GOD; YESHIA came & took our Iniquities upon Himself and endured the death penalty in our place and then rose from the dead!
This redeemed us for an eternal fellowship with GOD. Mercy instead of punishment is GOD’S free gift for those who believe, which includes an eternal home in Heaven, where we will live forever! That small baby in a manger was truly the greatest gift of all time!
John 3:16
For this is how God loved the world; He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
Do you have a relationship with almighty GOD?
YESHUA came to redeem you. If you haven’t accepted His gift of salvation, do it now! Admit your need for forgiveness and ask YESHUA into your heart!
The gift is wrapped and ready, waiting for you to open and enjoy all GOD has for you every day of the year!
HAPPY CHANUKAH, with much love and prayers always!
Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation