Emotion of Loneliness

GOD’S desire is that all people feel connected to Him and to each other.
When we feel the emotion of loneliness, we can be quickly comforted by responding wisely!
The first step is to enter into a personal relationship with YESHUA; believing He exists is not enough!
GOD created man for fellowship, which is why a relationship with Him will give you a sense of oneness! The love of YESHUA will take the loneliness out of the lives of GOD’S children (believers).
Next step, we ought to develop godly friends, who will empathize and cry with us when we are going through trials! Godly friends will continually point us to YESHUA and also pray with us and pray for us!
YESHUA is speaking in the following Scripture:
John 14:18
No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.
We can’t deny feelings of loneliness, nor can we run from them! When we seek ways to escape these feelings, we widen the gap between the LORD and ourselves. There is one way to close that opening and conquer loneliness. It is by drawing near to YESHUA!
Love & Blessings,
Pastor Bruce and Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation
Lake Worth, Florida