Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Some Believers are in a battle their whole life with a sense of inferiority, which can be devastating and becomes a barrier to good relationships and also genuine contentment!
As a believer there is a way out; these feelings of inferiority can be healed. We must get into the Word (verse of the day) which tells us we are GOD’S masterpiece, He is at work in us. Would He allow His masterpiece to end up inferior – of course not – His work in you is perfect! Stop looking at others thinking you don’t measure up to them because GOD has designed you as unique. GOD is fitting you for His purpose in your life like no one else’s.
{Ephesians 2:10…For we are GOD’S masterpiece. He has created us anew in MESSIAH YESHUA so we can do good things He planned for us long ago}…
Our Creator knows the weakness of our human frame and He is always patient with us. When we fail (and we will), GOD just wants us to come to Him for forgiveness and then keep moving ahead. Remember we are a work in progress and in due time GOD will complete His masterpiece; “you!”
Love & Blessings,
Bruce & Suzi Elman
L’Chaim Messianic Congregation