Remedy for Fear

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

We all need a heart revelation of GOD’S true love for us! We can’t just know in our head that GOD loves us, it must become a life-changing heart revelation.

Through this revelation we can have freedom from fear. When our circumstances are good, it’s not hard to believe that GOD loves us, but when things turn for the worst, we are tempted to think He doesn’t care! Then fear comes against our mind and attempts to rob us of our faith. 

Satan will do his best to assure us that GOD’S love isn’t there for us. He’ll plant lies in our minds like: “You must have done something wrong or GOD’S mad at you now!” 

When we have a heart revelation of GOD’S perfect love, there is nothing in the world that can make us afraid.                                      

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But, he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

It is impossible to fear failure, rejection, lack or anything else if you really know GOD loves you. His love covers everything!


Love & Blessings,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Friend of God

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

One key to effective prayer is approaching GOD as His friend. When we don’t know GOD as a friend, we are reluctant to ask Him for anything; we don’t feel we’ve “earned it” with our good behavior! So our confidence that He is listening is easily undermined. 

We need to see ourselves as close friends with GOD! You may be thinking that becoming friends with GOD seems like a difficult thing to do. But if you are a follower of Yeshua, you are already His friend. Friendship is based on sharing openly and honestly. Our Scripture today tells us Yeshua shared everything with us! 

John 15:15 

“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.”

When we begin to see ourselves as GOD’s friend through MESSIAH YESHUA, our prayers become much bolder and full of faith. It is all up to you whether you want to be a casual friend or a close intimate friend! The choice is yours!

Love & Blessings,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

Good News

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

When you receive exciting news, what’s the first thing you do? You probably call someone who will share your joy? As in our verse today, the apostle Paul told others about salvation for a similar reason.

Paul got saved on the road to Damascus (Acts 22), and he then dedicated the rest of his life to spreading the good news of the gospel (cross of YESHUA paid our sin debt in full)! He gave his time, energy and ultimately his life committing to spread the good news! He knew some would accept the truth while others would reject it. 

Paul himself couldn’t save people—he wasn’t responsible for their reaction. His task was simply to go and tell everyone about YESHUA. Because of his devotion to the LORD, he felt compelled to offer this glorious hope to a world that desperately needed forgiveness!

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about MESSIAH. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jews first and also the NON Jew.

Do you feel the same indebtedness that Paul felt? Pray that GOD would give you courage and wisdom to share the gospel with others in your sphere of influence!


Love & Blessings,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

God’s Discipline

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Recently, we spoke of falling into sin, which leads us away from GOD and hinders His work in our lives. He will not allow sinful patterns of behavior to continue without correction and discipline (Hebrews 12:10). 

Don’t confuse discipline with punishment (it’s correction not punishment). YESHUA took our punishment at the cross (no other required).GOD uses trials and circumstances to turn us away from unholy practices and teaches us the way of godliness. 

We need to examine our wrong doing and take His correction seriously; He’s only looking out for what’s good for us. He is our heavenly FATHER and that’s what fathers do—discipline!

Hebrews 12:5B-6

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives.

Not all hardships though are a result of sin (could be derived from natural disasters, illnesses or someone else’s actions). But if your troubles are a result of your own ungodly actions, in that case, confess them and accept the discipline of a loving Father to His precious child!


Love & Blessings,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

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Stepping Forward

Encouraging Words with Pastor Bruce & Suzi Elman

Faith is so important to our life in Messiah. Without it we can’t please GOD! It is our foundation. 

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see!

True belief in MESSIAH is more than something we express verbally; it’s a pathway we follow. Throughout our  life with GOD, our heavenly FATHER takes us on a journey, allowing us to experience a real relationship with Him as we encounter each circumstance. See, GOD has a purpose for everything we encounter. Just as Abraham was told to leave his home and follow GOD’s commands, not knowing where his next step would be; he trusted GOD (stepping forward through faith), even though he didn’t understand. Because of his obedience he became the father of the Jewish nation.

Psalm 119:105

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light and a light to my path.

GOD always shows us the next step forward, and just like Abraham we may not understand, but we need to obey His commands and trust and rest assured that He knows what is best for us! 

So step forward in faith and you will see His faithfulness. The GOD we serve is a faithful GOD!

Love & Blessings,

Bruce and Suzi Elman

L’Chaim Messianic Congregation

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